Scratching the Surface on Eczema

For those that suffer with Eczema, or the parent of a child that suffers with it, it’s a constant struggle to keep it under control. There are several types of irritating skin conditions known more broadly as “Eczema”. Children may be impacted as early as 6 months old, and symptoms include dry, itchy and inflamed skin. While there is no cure for Eczema, it can be treated. Here are some tips for daily skincare and managing unpleasant flare-ups:

  • Hydrate the skin 2 -3 times per day using a plain petroleum or glycerin-based cream. For busy hands and feet, light-weight cotton gloves or socks may be worn to hold the cream on the skin.
  • Include a shower or bath, followed by moisturizer into your routine when possible. Follow the 3 minute rule after applying lotion to Eczema-prone skin: wait 3 minutes before dressing your child to give their skin a chance to absorb the moisturizer.
  • Frequent washing of hands can strip the much-needed oils from the skin. Place a bottle of your favorite moisturizer next to the sink to help replace some of the oils that keep the skin from cracking and are so important for Eczema sufferers.
  • Flare-ups are inevitable, and when they occur your child’s doctor may prescribe a steroid for relief. Typically, steroids are applied once or twice a day for up to a week to knock-out those flare-ups. When you see the skin getting red, dry, cracked or inflamed, contact your pediatric provider right away to get started on treatment.
  • Understand what triggers your child’s Eczema. There are several types of Eczema, each with their own triggers and symptoms. These triggers may include sweat and/or drool on the skin, dry skin that goes untreated, heat or allergens. Know when your child is vulnerable to a flare-up and help them avoid exposure to triggers.

Eczema symptoms may change as your child grows. Make an appointment with your pediatric provider to determine what type of Eczema you’re dealing with, and how-to best manage your child’s condition at every stage of life.

It’s easy to schedule an appointment with your pediatric provider – simply visit our online appointment tool, scroll to find your pediatric provider, and click to schedule an appointment at a time that works for your family!

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Watch Less, Play More: Setting limitations on screen time

How did anyone ever parent before smartphones? We all know the scenario: a family is sitting at a restaurant eating dinner and a young child gets restless. A parent hands over a phone or a tablet to keep them occupied while they finish their meal and have a nice conversation. This seems innocent enough, but we are learning that when we hand over screens or place a child in front of the TV, we are doing it at the expense of their language and socio-emotional development as well as physical exercise.

Time that a child spends staring at a digital device, or screen time, is time they are not interacting with other people. Learning to bond and interact with others is crucial for children starting at a very early age. Now, I’m not saying that parents need to engage in deep conversations or read books every time they interact with their child. Simple conversations with a young child, even narrating your activities helps. Screen time is a strictly passive activity. Kids are rarely, if ever interacting with a screen in a meaningful way. However, even the most basic of activities, such as building and knocking down towers of blocks, doing puzzles together or scribbling with crayons on a piece of scrap paper (or a napkin) help teach kids cause and effect, and foster human interaction. These are invaluable for stimulating language development and creating a healthy emotional foundation.

A child that has more than the recommended exposure to screens at a young age is more likely to lead a more screen-filled, sedentary lifestyle as a teenager and beyond. This often goes hand in hand with mindless, unhealthy eating. Kids playing video games all day aren’t usually reaching for apples and carrots. People with active lifestyles that include regular exercise and exposure to the outdoors tend to be more physically and mentally healthy in the long run. My recommendation to parents is to turn of the television and put handheld devices away. This is true for both kids and adults. It’s hard to ignore a TV that’s on or a phone that’s blinking with a notification. Parenting without screens is certainly more challenging, especially in the early years, but it’s definitely worth the investment in the long-run. Teaching your child to entertain him/herself without the aid of screens will benefit them throughout their childhood.

So, what are the age-based recommended limitations on screen time? Below are the recommendations from The American Academy of Pediatrics. Remember though that at ALL ages, less is more, especially in preschool/early elementary-aged kids.

Under 2 years of age: No screen time

Ages 2-5: Limit to one hour of screen time per day

Ages 5 and up*: Consistent limitations on screen time, ensuring children have healthy physical activity and sleep schedules as well as personal relationships and interactions.(*Notice this says “and up”. Screen time limitations are for everyone, not just children. It’s important for adults to limit the amount of time they spend plugged-in, not only for their own well-being, but to set a great example for children).You can start by being aware of just how much time your family is spending in front of a screen. Jot down the number of minutes per day on a piece of paper on your refrigerator, or try this tool from the American Academy of Pediatrics, to create a customized family media plan: Family Media Plan

It’s easy to schedule an appointment with your pediatric provider – simply visit our online appointment tool, scroll to find your provider, and click to schedule an appointment at a time that works for your family!

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Sun Safety: Protection is key for fun in the sun

Fifteen minutes. According to the Center for Disease Control, that’s all it takes for the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays to damage your skin. When you’re on beach or pool time, 15 minutes goes by quickly. It feels great to soak up those rays, but they are harming your skin and are putting you at risk for long-term skin damage and worse, skin cancer. Before you head out into the sun for the day, take some time and precautions to keep yourself and your family safe all summer long, and you’ll be golden for some fun in the sun!

Use Sunscreen

It’s one of the easiest ways to prevent skin cancer. Look for a sunscreen with broad spectrum protection against both UVA and UVB, an SPF of at least 30, and water resistant. When applying sunscreen, more is more. You want to be sure to get a thick layer of sunscreen on your skin in order for the SPF to do its job. For an average size person, remember the teaspoon rule, and adjust for all ages and body types:1 teaspoon to the face/neck/scalp1 teaspoon for each arm1 teaspoon to the chest and abdomen1 teaspoon to the back2 teaspoons for each leg

Sunblock lotions are the preferred choice, but if you are using a spray sunscreen, apply outside by holding the bottle close to the skin and spray on each area for approximately 6 seconds, or until the sunscreen is visible on the skin (typically, when it looks white). Then, rub it in. Don’t apply spray sunscreen directly to the face. Instead, spray generously into your hand and apply to your face as you would a lotion. Don’t forget to apply a lip balm with an SPF of 30, too!

Sunscreen will wear off throughout the day. Be sure to reapply every two hours and following exposure to water or sweat.

If you’re avoiding sunscreen because you don’t like how it feels on your skin or you had an allergic reaction, try another type or brand. There are a variety of choices by a variety of brands, so if you aren’t happy with one, try another until you find one that works with your skin. You may want to make an appointment with your primary care provider or dermatologist to discuss your individual needs. After all, the best sunscreen is the one you will wear!

Avoid exposure between 10 am and 4 pm

Have you heard of the shadow rule? If your shadow is shorten than you are in real life, the sun’s rays are strong. During this time, you should avoid exposure or follow precautions to protect yourself and your family. For our region in the Midwest, the sun is most intense from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., so you’ll want to be the most vigilante in protecting your skin during this time.

Use Sunglasses

Your eyes will absorb those harmful rays much like your skin does. Look for sunglasses that block and absorb UVA and UVB light. The lenses should fit close to the skin and be large enough to cover your eyes and the surrounding areas. The bigger the better! Polarized lenses will help eliminate glare, which is great for driving or days in the water or snow.

Drink more water

When you’re sweating, you are losing water. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially in hot weather to keep dehydration at bay. Don’t wait until you feel thirsty. Also, look for signs of heat exhaustion such as; feeling overheated, tired or weak. Nausea, headaches and dizziness are also indications that it’s time to get out of the sun, cool down and drink some water. Heat stroke is a more serious condition. If you or someone in your family stops sweating, has red and/or hot skin, a high temperature, confusion or is suddenly uncoordinated, seek medical attention right away.

Go Long!: Wear Protective Clothing

Long-sleeved shirts and long pants provide an extra layer of protection while spending time out in the sun. Look for clothing made with tightly woven fabrics. Those linen pants aren’t going to protect you from the sun, so be sure to wear sunscreen underneath. When playing the water, look for bathing suits that feature a sun shirt, especially for little ones.

Hats Off ON!: Wear a Broad Rimmed hat

Wearing a hat with a full brim is a great way to protect the scalp, ears, face and neck from exposure to the sun’s UV rays. Tightly woven fabric is the key to a good hat, straw hats are cute, but don’t provide the protection you need. When purchasing sun hats for the family, be sure to pick the correct sizes for each person. Kids will pull off a hat that slips down over their eyes.Seek the shade & avoid direct sunlight

Trees or shelters block the sun’s UV rays and provide ultimate protection. Seek out these spaces when spending time outdoors to help protect yourself and your family from painful sunburns and help reduce the risk of skin cancer. When you can’t find shade, make it! Invest in a beach umbrella or tent to shield your family from the sunlight.

Be cautious of reflections

Your exposure to the sun’s rays increases when the sun shines onto and reflects off of bright surfaces, like water, sand or house paint, for example. When spending time near a reflective surface, ensure everyone is sporting sunglasses and sunscreen or protective clothing are being used consistently.


Don’t. Tan skin is damaged skin and the impact can last or even shorten a lifetime. Tanning should not be part of a beauty regiment at any point in a person’s life.

Protection 365 Days

Skin cancer prevention is not seasonal. Sure, we wear less clothing and spend more time outside in the sun’s rays during the summer months, but protection from those rays is just as important during the winter months. UV rays reflect off snow just as they do off of sand, water and concrete. Apply sunscreen to the face and any other exposed skin, wear sunglasses and lip balm every day. When it comes to sun safety, there’s a lot of information to soak in. Download this handy checklist and keep it in your beach bag to help ensure you and your family are covered for summer skin protection.

Sun Safety Checklist

For questions concerning dangers to your skin from the sun, consult with your dermatologist.

It’s easy to schedule an appointment with your dermatology provider – simply visit our online appointment tool, scroll to find your dermatology provider, and click to schedule an appointment at a time that works for your family!

It’s easy to schedule an appointment with your provider – simply visit our online appointment tool, scroll to find your provider, and click to schedule an appointment at a time that works for your family!

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Tips for Traveling with Kids this Summer (and beyond!)

Traveling with children in-tow can be, well, stressful. From packing for the family to installing a car seat in your rental car, there’s so much to think about. As summer travel heats up, here are some reminders to help ensure you don’t come back from your family vacation more stressed than when you left.

1. Take it slow.

When traveling with kids allow yourself extra time. It’s going to take longer than you think, and you want to do what you can to avoid getting into a stressful situation. Pre-check and plan ahead where you can to avoid waiting in long lines or plan for several stops to stretch fidgety legs along the way.

2. Medications don’t take a vacation.

You know your child and your family, think about what medicines you might need. Bring a first-aid kit, Tylenol or Motrin, Benadryl, sunscreen and of course, any medications prescribed to your child. Before your trip, study-up on any regulations for travel or your destination that might have an impact on bringing your meds.

3. Snacks are a must.

You’ll want to have some healthy snack and drink options for both the kids and the adults in your party. A flight delay or unexpected traffic can leave you with hungry and cranky passengers. Don’t forget to pack hand sanitizer and baby wipes (they aren’t just for babies!).

4. Easy access to essentials.

Medications, snacks, wipes and anything else you or your kids might need along the way should be within an arm’s reach. Bring these essentials in a carry-on, or keep them by you in the car for easy access.

5. Always have a spare.

Diapers leak, drinks spill. Be sure to pack a back-up outfit for your little ones and yourself, and a plastic bag for dirty clothing. Your fellow travelers will thank you.

6. Verify vaccines.

For trips that take you on a plane or out of the country, talk to your pediatric provider about which vaccines your child may need while on-board or abroad.

Bonus Tip:

Once you arrive at your destination, find out where the good coffee is sold! 

If you are planning a trip for your family and have questions about travel guidelines for vaccines or dietary advice, make an appointment with your pediatric provider. It’s easy to schedule an appointment with your pediatric provider – simply visit our online appointment tool, scroll to find your pediatric provider, and click to schedule an appointment at a time that works for your family!

It’s easy to schedule an appointment with your pediatric provider – simply visit our online appointment tool, scroll to find your pediatric provider, and click to schedule an appointment at a time that works for your family!

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Food Fight: Is your toddler a picky eater?

Food Fight: Is your toddler a picky eater?

It happens to parents of toddlers all the time: you prepare your child’s favorite meal, and place it lovingly in front of them only to watch them hurl the plate to the floor. They loved this meal yesterday, how could they refuse it today? Simply put: toddlers tend to be picky eaters. For parents, this can generate a lot of anxiety about the well being of their child. I’m sharing the advice I give moms and dads in my practice to help avoid a daily food fight around the kitchen table.

Don’t sweat it.

Toddlers are developing their food preferences. What they like today they may dislike tomorrow and vice versa. For a week straight, they may request (or demand) only one or two of their preferred menu items. That’s normal. And exasperating. Try to be patient, and avoid getting frustrated. Otherwise, mealtime will turn into a power struggle between you and your toddler, and no one wins. Try to include one or two of your toddler’s preferred menu items for each meal, and offer foods to your child more than once. Today may be the day they decide to love something new!

Think big picture.

Ensuring your toddler gets the nutrition they need is one of the biggest concerns when dealing with a picky eater. Consider your child’s food intake throughout the week, not just day to day or meal to meal. They may gobble up a huge breakfast and then nibble here and there for lunch. They may eat great some days and next to nothing on others. Generally, if your child is consistently growing, they are most likely getting enough calories and protein. If they’re easily moving their bowels on a daily basis, there’s enough fiber in their diet. A hungry toddler will consume more at mealtime, so make it easier on yourself by avoiding snacks and lots of liquids prior to a sit-down meal.

Work together in the kitchen.

Including toddlers in the meal planning and preparation may give them more incentive to try something new, and give them an outlet for their desire to control which foods they are eating. Invite your toddler to help you choose healthy items at the grocery store, pick new recipes or ask them to choose the side dishes for your next meal. Toddlers are eager to help, so allowing them to safely assist in the kitchen with stirring, scooping, sifting, counting and adding ingredients can grow their interest in mealtime. You may even want to surprise them with their own apron and chef’s hat!

Don’t give up!

Very few toddlers eat five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. When they exclaim “all done!” at the end of their meal, you’ll often find the serving of veggies exactly as you placed it on their plate – untouched. Again, that’s normal. Continue to offer them healthy choices at each meal, and set an example by making healthy choices yourself. Eventually, they will be open to trying new things, and may even come to enjoy those vegetables!

If you are feeling concerned about your child’s diet, make an appointment with your pediatric provider. They can help navigate this stage of life to ensure your little one is getting the nutrition they need to grow and develop. It’s easy to schedule an appointment with your pediatric provider – simply visit our online appointment tool, scroll to find your pediatric provider, and click to schedule an appointment at a time that works for your family!

It’s easy to schedule an appointment with your pediatric provider – simply visit our online appointment tool, scroll to find your pediatric provider, and click to schedule an appointment at a time that works for your family!

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On your mark, get set, go! Summer Health and Fitness: Family Style

Family Fitness Fun

Physical fitness is truly a family affair – it’s good for every body! For people of all ages, physical activity is one of the most important parts of a healthy lifestyle. It’s recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that adults have at least 150 – 300 minutes of moderate physical activity per week and children at least 60 minutes per day. Working another 30 – 60 minutes into already packed schedules is not easy, so it has to be fun, or let’s face it – we’re not doing it. We put our heads together and came up with some ideas for summer fun that make getting active as a family no sweat.

Make a splash!

Pool, sprinklers, water balloons, slip and slide, a car wash, or just the hose: you really can’t go wrong with any water-based activity. Just don’t forget to keep your sunscreen on-hand, and reapply throughout the day.

Create an obstacle course

Using what you have around your home and yard combined with physical activities (jumping jacks, anyone?), create a fun obstacle course. Time each other to see who can complete the course fastest.

Take a bike ride

Explore your neighborhood or local trails on bicycle. Biking is a great activity for all ages and skill levels. Don’t forget your helmet!

Neighborhood scavenger hunt

Create a list of objects to gather or tasks that can be completed in your yard or neighborhood. Or, try a photo scavenger hunt: rather than collecting treasures, have your scavengers take a photo of the object or activity. The first to return with all their boxes checked wins!

Go to a park

Need a change of scenery to get motivated? Check out your local parks. They offer trails for running, hiking or biking, team sports, swimming, play structures and oftentimes activities for kids – all within your community.

Play a game

When you love what you do, it doesn’t feel like work. The same is true for fitness. If you choose an activity that you and your family enjoy, you won’t event realize you are achieving your fitness goals. Whether its soccer, baseball, kickball, basketball or something you make up – pick your teams and let the games begin!

Dance party!

Create a playlist of family favorite tunes, and turn up the volume!

Plant a garden

Planning and creating a garden creates a reason to go outside every day. Maintaining the garden provides an opportunity for physical activity and as an added bonus creates a sense of responsibility. Plant and cook from a vegetable garden for an extra positive impact on your family’s health.

Join a class

The best way to fit fitness into your schedule, is to literally schedule it. Find a local facility that offers family fitness classes, or sign up individually.

Sign up for a race

Many charities or organizations will host a fun run or race as a fundraiser. Find one that appeals to your family, and sign up! The approaching race date will give you the motivation to train, and most of the time there are shorter route options for different ages and fitness levels, so everyone can join in.

Use a fitness tracker

Weekly Fitness Tracker

Keeping track of your physical activity is a great way to ensure you achieve your goals for daily activity. There are several digital trackers available for purchase or use this fridge-ready template to add up your minutes. As a friendly competition, have the whole family keep track of their time. Accountability goes a long way!

Remember: 15 minutes counts. A quick driveway basketball game or bike ride around the block can make some great strides towards a healthier lifestyle, and make an impact on your child’s lifestyle as they grow.

If you have questions or concerns about physical activity for anyone in your family, make an appointment with your pediatric or primary care provider today. And then get moving!

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Your Baby’s Best Shot: FAQs About Vaccines

Your Baby's Best Shot


Parents today have no shortage of information and input on raising a child. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, especially for new parents. We want to ensure our children have all that they need to grow and develop normally, but sorting through the mountains of recommendations can be daunting, to say the least. For parents of newborns, a frequent topic of discussion during well visits centers around vaccines. Which vaccines does your child need and when should they receive them? Let’s breakdown the most frequently asked questions around vaccines for our littlest patients.

There are a lot of vaccines out there, does my child need all of them?

Just because a vaccine exists, doesn’t mean it is recommended for your child. Your doctor will discuss with you the routine vaccination schedule, which is based on current recommendations from the American Council on Immunization Practices. This schedule applies for all children living in the U.S. Additional recommended vaccines based on travel, disease outbreaks, or other unique circumstances, can be discussed with your doctor on an individualized basis.

Watch for these common differentiators between a cough caused by a virus and one caused by asthma.

Why does my baby get so many vaccines before they are two?

Vaccines are given based on a thoughtfully developed schedule to ensure children are protected when they are most vulnerable or likely to be exposed to an illness. Pertussis (whooping cough), for instance, can be life threating to an infant, so three doses of the vaccine are given in the first year of life. For illnesses that may not impact a child until adolescence, the vaccine is delivered at a later time.

Is it safe to give my baby several vaccines at one time?

Safety is of the utmost concern when giving a young child vaccines. That’s where the Centers for Disease Control’s Recommended Vaccine Schedule comes in. Extensive study and analysis have demonstrated conclusively that there is no risk or harm in giving multiple vaccines at once. Specifically, the Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule in the U.S. has been carefully examined and has been proven to be safe and effective.

Does my child need vaccines?

Definitely. In addition to protecting our own children from serious, life-threatening illnesses, we all need to be mindful of the risks we pose to others to when we don’t vaccinate. We’re constantly interacting with others in public (for example at school, playgroups, parks) and there are many people that are not able to receive vaccines. These individuals include infants or those with compromised immune systems from chemotherapy or other conditions, are at mich greater risk of severe illness or death when exposed to some of these diseases. When you have your child vaccinated, you are helping to eliminate the risk of a harmful disease resurfacing. This not only protects your child, but also helps to protect others who are vulnerable to the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases.

How do I know which vaccines my child will receive for the first two years of their life and beyond?

Your baby’s provider can discuss the vaccine schedule which is right for your child. Talk with your pediatric provider about which vaccines your child needs, and when he or she should receive them.


It’s easy to schedule an appointment with your pediatric provider – simply visit our online appointment tool, scroll to find your pediatric provider, and click to schedule an appointment at a time that works for your family!


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Toddler Sleep 101

New Parents and Sleep Deprivation


There’s nothing magical about the pitter patter of little feet at two o’clock in the morning. When a toddler isn’t sleeping well, it affects the whole household. Toddlers ages 1 to 3 years require 12 to 15 hours of sleep per day, and that sleep happens both during the day and at night. Oftentimes, a good night’s sleep will setup daytime sleep nicely, so that your child will be able to take their regular nap. So, how do you get a toddler to achieve a good night’s sleep? Start with these 3 steps:

1. Consistency is key for toddlers.

Create a bedtime routine, and follow it. Every. Single. Time. Start your routine at the same time every night and for every nap. Follow the same order of events, for example: bath, brush teeth, books, sip of water, song, lights out. Once this is a regular routine in your home, your child will come to expect each step and know when it’s time for bed.

2. A child’s bedroom should make them feel safe and comfortable.

Your child may benefit from a night light or some other ambient light that allows them to feel more at ease in their bedroom. Some calming music on a timer may also help them transition to sleep. Lastly, make sure the temperature in their bedroom is nice and cool. You don’t want them waking up from feeling hot.

3. Make a plan for the inevitable: at some point your toddler will show up in your bedroom in the middle of the night.

Parenting is hard, and doing it in the middle of the night doesn’t make it easier. Create a plan around how you will approach a toddler asking to come into your bed at night, and stick to it (see point number 1). Start by reassuring your child, and then place them back in their bed. Your middle of the night encounters should be brief and to the point – it is time to sleep. Avoid encouraging them to exit their room by playing with them or fulfilling requests for a glass of milk.

If you’re struggling with your toddler’s sleep schedule, there may be other sleep problems affecting your child. Make an appointment to discuss your concerns with your pediatric provider.

It’s easy to schedule an appointment with your pediatric provider – simply visit our online appointment tool, scroll to find your pediatric provider, and click to schedule an appointment at a time that works for your family!


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New Parents and Sleep Deprivation: A to ZZZs

New Parents and Sleep Deprivation


Before a mother gives birth, she’s likely to hear the advice “sleep while the baby is sleeping.” Maybe more than once. Sleep deprivation is one of the greatest challenges for new parents. A newborn is on their own schedule for sleeping and eating, and it’s a 24-hour cycle. New parents will find themselves exhausted from getting up with their little bundle every two to three hours throughout the night. A foggy, scattered feeling sets in and memory lapses become a daily nuisance. Did I turn off the coffee pot? Many don’t take the advice to sleep when you can. It’s tempting to try to catch up on housework, answer an email or text or fit in the newest episode of their favorite show. Plus, when exhaustion sets in, it’s hard to believe an hour of sleep will make a noticeable difference.

Myth: An hour nap won’t make a difference.

In reality, frequent naps throughout the day really do add up, just like they do for infants. If parents can adjust their schedule to grab some ZZZs while the baby is getting their required amount of sleep, it can improve the quality of life for everyone in the house.

If you’re struggling with nodding off on demand, try setting the mood for sleep. Darkening shades can help create a dark space for a mid-day snooze. Turn off the TV and face bright devices away from you. And that sound machine in your baby’s room? It may also provide some much-needed distraction from the noises of the day.

This sleep schedule can present new challenges when it’s time to return to work. Most offices don’t feature napping pods. Work with your pediatric provider on sleep training your infant, so you and your little bundle are getting the most rest possible during the night by the time maternity leave comes to an end.

Adjusting to a new baby can be difficult. If you are worried about your newborn’s routine, your pediatric provider can help. 

It’s easy to schedule an appointment with your pediatric provider – simply visit our online appointment tool, scroll to find your pediatric provider, and click to schedule an appointment at a time that works for your family!


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Asthma or Cough?

Asthma or Cough?


Does my child have a cough or asthma?

A cough is one of the most common symptoms of both asthma and a cold. Understanding when a cough is related to a virus and when it’s asthma will help you get the right treatment for your child quickly.

Watch for these common differentiators between a cough caused by a virus and one caused by asthma.

Timing of the cough.

In asthma patients, a cough is going to be worst in the morning and at night. When a cold is the cause of the cough, symptoms may worsen slightly at night, but your child will cough consistently throughout the day and night.

Type of cough.

Dry and brassy coughs are common with asthma, while a cold will produce a wet, and more productive cough.

Secondary signs of asthma.

A child suffering from asthma may feel a tightness in their chest or shortness of breath. You may even hear some wheezing.


Coughs can be tricky to diagnose. If you are worried about your child’s cough, your pediatric provider can help.

It’s easy to schedule an appointment with your pediatric provider at IHA – simply visit our online appointment tool, scroll to find your pediatric provider, and click to schedule an appointment at a time that works for your family!

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